Just as bad feeling, distrust, strife and hate are engineered in order hit on those not ‘conforming’ to the official ‘virology paradigm’ now the converse is happening around mythical views of the work of certain scientists and physicians like myself, Drs Sam and Mark Bailey, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Tom Cowan to name just a few. This may have unintentionally been given oxygen by the negative publicity against Professor Peter Duesberg which resurfaced again in 2022. Unsupported by the above named scientists, various agencies spouting anger are now acting to try to conform others to a particular line of mythical ‘no virus’ thinking which has all the hallmarks of a modern McCarthy-style witch hunt, perhaps even worse, because it comes from those ostensibly espousing an open critique of molecular biology and virology yet whose actions only create more and more division and strife. Their language is that of being "radicalised" by the ‘no virus issue’ and of fighting a ‘war’ against ‘virus believers’ evident in recent attacks where agents espouse an ‘ends-justifies-the-means’ approach, with no quarter shown. Already lists have been compiled of ‘good’ (non-virus) and ‘bad’ (virus) believers: "Virus Pushers Against Clot Shots" (‘bad guys’) implying a converse list of "good guys". This is being done in the name of what is said to be a so-called ‘no virus’ team, camp or side. In reality, there is NO ‘no virus’ team, camp or ‘side’, and by definition there can be NO leaders other than those who are self-avowed or self-appointed. There are ONLY individual ‘scientists’ and ‘medical doctors’ (not synonymous terms) who think critically, and often differently, about the epistemology of ‘virology’ and molecular biology, plus a growing number of citizen scientists and independent journalists. I am making this statement so as to disallow my name and my work from being cited in ad hominem attacks by angry agents who are overshadowing this loose grouping and who have commonly labelled themselves ‘no virus’: they are angry apparatchiks of unknown provenance who are mounting ad hominem attacks on people in private e-mail lists and across social media. I consider that my action here in making this statement is ethical and based on my professional science and healthcare training and background. It is also based on loyalty to professional colleagues, many of whom are personal friends who have been working since the 1980s to uncover the multiple lies and deceptions in 'virology' and its associated applications. The most recent attacks are a continuation of those which are known to have been operating since the 1980s orchestrated by deep state mechanisms and their nefarious agencies and agents, targeting investigative journalists, dissident scientists and citizen scientists, and sadly many, many others. The results have been shocking: mobbing, bullying, lynching, haranguing and profound reputational damage, engendering the inevitable physical and psychological morbidity and mortality. Journalists, scientists and citizen scientists have lost their careers, been defunded / deplatformed, imprisoned and killed. This started around 1987 with the publication of Professor Peter Duesberg’s paper killing the retroviral theory of AIDS and expanded in the 1990s after the articles in SPIN Magazine by Celia Farber and her 2006 Harper's Magazine article uncovering the deadly impact of HIV / AIDS Virology and the paper from ‘The Perth Group’s’ in Nature Biotechnology 1993 on the ‘HIV’ Western blot showing ‘no isolation’ of ‘HIV’ and detailing the absurd fallacy of ‘HIV tests’. Nefarious forces are now working through angry actors to open a dark chasm within the public arena and amongst scientists and their supporters, groupies and hangers on using arguments over the ‘non-existence’ versus ‘existence of’ ‘viruses’. These agencies are currently plying a dogmatic and fundamentalist style to try to enforce and conform people’s thoughts and actions using a discursive ‘virus’ / ‘no virus’ mantra with which to bombard people. This is bastardising the traditional scientific and citizen science approaches for winning the hearts and minds of people which normally uses open scientific debate and scientific experimentation, all of which were usually published sometimes in scientific journals, or as gross censorship increasingly prevails, in self-publications and web-based media; all of which are somewhat acceptable means to enable questioning of perceived wisdom. It may be difficult to stop the deep state forces but those like myself can publicly oppose these individual agents and their networks from expropriating our names and our work for misuse in their angry ad hominem attacks.
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Thanks for this. I understand the importance of challenging and hopefully getting rid of the virus dogma as you so aptly called it in a recent podcast, but the attacks on people who are doing good work to challenge other aspects of the covid crime for not completely shedding their belief in viruses is becoming screechy and self-defeating. You allude to deep state forces which I don't doubt propagate some of this but unfortunately it's also to be heard in some who have been at the forefront of challenging the existence of viruses. I was particularly troubled by Tom Cowan's recent attack on various speakers at the European Parliament - some of whom have done good work - without acknowledging what a landmark that conference represented, to have doubts about the covid charade voiced in that place.
I'm thinking especially of his attack on David Martin's presentation which was misconstrued to be about science when in fact what he highlights is the evidence of malintent going back decades on the part of individuals and institutions controlling 'the science'. Something where the existence or otherwise of viruses, the validity or otherwise of genetic models etc is beside the point. To hold him up to ridicule because he quoted a patent without commenting on the reality or otherwise of what was patented (when Martin always says the "alleged virus" and "alleged pandemic") was again to my mind self-defeating, especially since Martin is attacking the people directly responsible for this catastrophic crime.
I understand Cowan's frustration, but diatribes like that just encourage the no virus trolls out there - many without necessarily bad intent themselves - to harass and undermine people who focus the many other strands of this attack on humanity.
Only truth can unite and will set us free.
So 'camp keeping the virus illusion alive' will have to see and speak truth for what it is before they can be taken seriously as it is really simple: no proof for any disease being contagious means no proof for any pathogenic virus either.
Not clearly speaking the virus truth was a mistake in the AIDS truth movement.